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Chitpsan Capsul

Chitpsan Capsul

Chitosan is derived form of crusteous such as Prawn and Crabs, Tortoise etc. so Chifin is the main constituent in it. It reduce cholesterol level, safes blood vessels, purifies kidney. It protects Cardiovascular system. It exerts toxic heavy metals from the body. It contains 80% deacyetyle acid.
FUNCTIONS OF CHITOSAN:It is useful for every age group especially middle and older age groups. If provides energy to the cells. It enhance energy in the body by providing power so it reduce the anxiety level. It also acts as an anti-aging. It increase Immune System slows down aging, protects from disease speeds-up reoperating process and regular body is physiological function. It has Amino Acid which regulates the working capacity of our body.
REDUCING BLOOD WPID:It protects body from lopids by reducing its absorption from gut. It absorbs and eliminates cholesterol, promtes the conversion of cholesterol from. LDL to HDL which is less harmful. It protects our cardiovascular system.
REDUCING BLOOD PRESSURE:Reduces quality of cholesterol and Triglycerides. Consists of high density lipoprotein which combines chloque ion, the main cause of high blood pressure by elimouating it. Prevent all disease that arise from high blood pressure.
STRENGTHENING LEVEL:Chitim absorb the toxic substance in the body so in this way it produce strength to liver.
REDUCING BLOOD GLUCOSE LEVEL:Chitin polysaccharide increase PH-level which in term increase the Secretion and usage of insulin which reduce blood glucose level of diabetics. So in this way it improves diabetics condition.
THERAPENTIVE EFFECTS OF CHITOSAN:Reduces harmful cholesterol, prevents its accumulation within blood vessels that hinders blood flow within body. Increase the production of good cholesterol which is harmless within Liver.Prevention Of High Blood Pressure From Excessive Salt Intake:It is a rich source for fiber as it is derived from crust of crub. Absorbs fat and sugar. It contains positive ions which combines with chloride ions within salt and in this way eliminates them from the body. It keeps in blood pressure under normal level.Absorbing Heavy Metals and Helps Their Excretion:Absorb heavy metals from the body with its positive ions. Reduce the accumulated of heavy metals with in the body and helps maintaining a balanced electrolyte within the body for good health.Improving Digestive Function:Enhance the antibacterial ability of the bacteria and immense the population of such bacteria within the liver. Improve digestive function and absorbs those material which are useful for the growth of body.
100 Capsules:Each Capsule Contains:Chitosan (Powder) 350 mg.
As a food supplement.
DOSAGE:Take 2 capsules 2 times daily.Keep out of reach of children.Keep in cool and dry place.

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