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What isOzonizer

An ozonizer is a type of air or water purifier which uses ozone to kill bacteria and filter out a wide range of contaminants. Ozone itself is a form of oxygen, though much less stable than the common O2. Ozone is present naturally, mostly in the upper levels of the atmosphere, where it helps deflect ultraviolet radiation. Concentrations of ozone below the atmosphere can be a serious health risk, as ozone is highly toxic to humans and most other forms of life.
An ozonizer is also known as an ozone generator, and is sometimes mistakenly thought of as synonymous to an ionizer or ionic air purifier. An ozonizer does produce ionized particles, and an ionizer does produce trace amounts of ozone, but the two are not the same. An ozonizer creates ozone by charging the air with a burst of high negative voltage. An ionizer works under the same principle, but primarily produces ionized forms of molecules other than ozone.
There are those who claim that an ozonizer may be useful as therapy for a wide range of ailments. Ozone's negative effect on bacteria, fungi and many viruses is thought to help purify the body of these life forms, strengthening the day-to-day functioning of the body. Proponents suggest a range of ozone therapies, including letting the gas into the lungs, injecting ozone directly and drinking ozone-filled water. Detractors point to the toxicity of ozone and hold that any sort of therapy using the relatively high levels of ozone recommended will ultimately be harmful to the patient.
Treatments using an ozonizer are more widely accepted in Asia and parts of Europe than in the United States and much of Western Europe. In China, for example, the use of the ozonizer is wide-spread, and was heavily relied on during the SARS outbreak at the beginning of the 21st century. The medical use of ozonizers is prohibited by the FDA in the United States, though twelve states allow the use of ozone therapy under their alternative medicine statutes -- these states are Alaska, Arizona, Colorado, Georgia, Minnesota, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, South Carolina and Washington State.
In the United States, the ozonizer is most often seen in the context of air purification, where the use of "activated oxygen" is said to help attract dust particles and to kill ambient bacteria and molds. This use as an air purifier is also somewhat debated, as the levels of ozone emitted may or may not be harmful. Ozonizers are also widely used in water purification as an alternative to chlorine. This is particularly true on a small scale, such as for aquariums used to house fish. The ozone kills various algae which otherwise build up in an aquarium environment and can make it an unsuitable habitat for many types of fish.


Ozone is one of the naturally occurring trace gases that make up our atmosphere.
The atmosphere serves three critical functions: it provides life-giving oxygen, keeps the earth warm, and protects us from deadly ultraviolet (UV) radiation from the sun. Most of the atmosphere consists of nitrogen and oxygen, the air we breathe. These gases do not hold heat so they do not keep us warm. They also do not protect the earth from UV rays.
For those functions you have to turn to the trace gases found in the atmosphere, commonly referred to as greenhouse gases. They are: water vapor, carbon dioxide, methane, ozone, and nitrous oxide.
These trace gases function like the transparent covering of a greenhouse, allowing sunlight to filter through to the earth's surface, then trapping the heat. Without the greenhouse effect the earth's temperature would plummet far below zero each night.
Ozone is a particularly critical trace gas because it plays two roles. In the lower atmosphere it adds to the greenhouse gases, keeping the earth warm. But it serves a more critical function in the upper atmosphere where it blocks nearly all of the sun's deadly UV rays from reaching the earth.
UV rays are associated with skin cancer. The "UV index" is used in summer months to let people know how long it is safe to stay in the sun. A decrease in the ozone correlates to an increase in skin cancer. This is important because the ozone has been in a steady rate of depletion, creating holes in the upper ozone layer.
The holes were first discovered in 1985 over Antarctica where atmospheric circulation, temperature, and other factors "draw" holes to that region. Discovery of the holes created worldwide concern.
The culprit was human-produced chlorofluorocarbons (CFC's). CFC's have been released into the atmosphere for years. They are emitted in part from aerosols made with CFC propellant, refrigeration units and air conditioners. As the CFC's reach the upper stratosphere UV rays cause the gas to release free chlorine atoms. It only takes a single chlorine molecule to cause tens of thousands of ozone molecules to break down into simple oxygen. And again, oxygen does not filter UV rays. The danger then, is that very small amounts of CFC gas destroy enormous amounts of ozone.
The move to ban CFC's was slow but all major countries producing them phased them out by the year 2000. The CFC's already released will take another estimated 50 years to break down, and CFC's will continue to be released by old products still in use. Consequently, ozone levels and the hole over Antarctica continue to be monitored closely.
In addition to being a naturally occurring gas, ozone is also created in the burning of fossil fuels as one component of smog. Burning fossil fuels also releases carbon dioxide into the air, thickening greenhouse gases, adding to the greenhouse effect and global warming.

Advisable Product for Ozonizer

This is a special product for
  1. water purification,
  2. air purification,
  3. fruit and vegetable cleaner,
  4. purifiy water for skin treatment.

This product uses ozone to kill bacteria and filter out a wide range of contaminants. Ozone itself is a form of oxygen, though much less stable than the common O2.
This kill the 99.5 % bacteria and it active oxygen

This product is FDA Certified.

For Purcahase this Product contect on

1 comment:

  1. Ozone is a wonder full device for more information visit here.
